I started playing World of Warcraft a few weeks ago now. It's one of the best computer games I think I've played. Right up there with "STAR WARS Knights of the Old Republic". You play online, so you are able to interact with other real people who are playing too. The characters, graphics and sounds are amazing. Even the detail in the backgrounds is eye-grabbing. Sometimes, I climb the highest mountain I can find, just to take a look around. There is a monthly subscription, but it is WELL worth it. I have 2 characters that I've been playing. One is a Night-Elf Hunter who uses a bow and can train animals to help him fight and the other is a Dwarf Paladin who mixes healing good guys and clobbering enemies. The World itself is soooooo huge, I haven't even begun to scratch the surface (or the underneath in the Dwarf's case). Besides all that, there are many professions to take on. Mining, blacksmith, leather working, cooking, fishing, etc.
The only bad thing.... It is sooooo addicting!!! If it keeps up I'll have to join WoW Anonymous.
Thanx Paul for turning me on to the game! I'll let you know when the 1st WoWA meeting is!
The only bad thing.... It is sooooo addicting!!! If it keeps up I'll have to join WoW Anonymous.
Thanx Paul for turning me on to the game! I'll let you know when the 1st WoWA meeting is!
That's so funny; Jake's friend got him into it this school year. It's all they do and talk about (other than skateboarding). Jake bought it with $ he earned, but I didn't know about the monthly fee...he'll have to get a steady job:)
Just watch out for Ace, I hear he has made quite a name for himself in Darnassus after being banned from the town of "Lenzin"...Apparently he still holds a grudge from his earlier troubles with Levo....
told you so
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