Saturday, September 08, 2007

Moving on...

Its been amazing watching Ryan the past couple of months. I don't know if kids get to certain points where they just take off or what, but if that's true, then he must've hit one of them...

In the past month at the beach he learned to go under water and before he didn't want a thing to do with it. Now he even puts his head under in the bath tub!... Yes, we sit with him when he's in the tub :).

This week he started Kindergarten. He doesn't make the age cut at most schools. They want the kids to be 5 by Sept. and his Birthday is in Dec., but Cheryl found a school that would take him and he can go right on to 1st grade next year! He was dead set against the school change, but he was willing to try it (with a little bribing) and now he really likes it and the teacher says he is doing great.

His drawings have turned from pictures where ALOT was left to the imagination to pictures where you can see what they are meant to be with out an explanation.

Yesterday, we took the training wheels off his bike. They hadn't touched the ground in months and he didn't even realize it. After I helped him get started once or twice he was cruising like he'd been doing it forever.

We also found out that we have another Steelers fan in the family.. YEAH!!!
yeah .. we had it on backwards.. heh

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