Monday, December 17, 2007


BLEAGH!!! Winter is back .. I hate it .. worked 3 nights last week and Sat 6pm til Mon 4pm... yeah 3days. The check will be nice but is it worth it??? nah.. I'd rather be home with my family.
If you dont kno.. i work for PA Dept of Trans.... this is pretty close to the type truck and plows I have ... cept i drive a Mack.. not a Sterling.

1 comment:

Sith Snoopy said...

Sorry about the snow and the cold. :P

Well, you had a white Christmas. ;) But yeah, working over the weekend has to suck. :P

We don't have real seasons in southern California. Disasters, sure, but no real seasons, LOL!

BTW, loved the bat comment, LOL! That would be way worse than a bird flying around the house. Bat poo is more dangerous.