Sunday, May 04, 2008

Once upon a time...

A well meaning man started a blog. That blog was called WHATEVER... all went well for a while, then the blogger became evil (or preoccupied or didn't do anything worth mentioning) and he deserted his blog for months. O'er the months, the blog became stagnant and very boring. The MILLIONS of faithful readers, fearing that the "nothingness" of the blog would bore them to death, slowly, one by one, stopped visiting. BUT!... with the return of Spring came new and exciting (?) things for the blogger to write about! In his mind, he hoped that if he sent out a call to the MILLIONS of those that were once faithful they would return.... we'll see............

So anyway...
Finally, Spring has sprung and we're going outside and breathing fresh, WARM air. I HATE winter. And yes, my plan is once again to be a lot more regular with the blog.

Last Fall, we decided that we would like to fence in part of the back yard. When Spring rolled around we put our plan into action. After getting an estimate to have it done, I said "No way!.. we can do it ourselves for wayyyy less." So we did. I made calls and did my shopping. When I was satisfied that I'd been as cheap as possible and got all the stuff I needed, a handful of "Fence Experts" were called in :).. I had many offers to help, but knew I only needed a few guys. Thanks to all that offered tho! (don't worry, there is still a large garage that needs to come down!) and thanks to the "Fence Experts" that helped! We rented an auger and to make a long story short... spent a Saturday building a fence! We picked a split rail with wire fencing for a couple reasons. Mainly, Cheryl and I both like the way it looks, also it's inexpensive and pretty easy to put up.

So now we have a fenced in backyard! It's great! Maddy (our Jack Russell) can run til she drops, Loki (our old, delirious dog) can't wander off, and we feel a little safer with Ryan playing in the yard. AND we did it for around HALF the price of the estimate we got and it looks great.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you know Bart, somewhere, sometime, someplace in a far off World of Warcraft realm, a cute little wideeyed and totally innocent baby cowperson was minding its own business in its little world, happily munching on the sweet green grass and tasty little pink flowers in a picturesque alpine meadow, soaking in the warm golden rays of summer sunshine that never ends in it's sweet little idyllic realm and thinking about how it was going to frolic playfully with it's new friend the butterfly when it was done happily munching on this deliciously sweet grass when all of a sudden it died a horrific, excruciatingly vicious, lingeringly painful, and disgustingly brutal death chock full of repeated dismemberments, disembowelments, and clubbings with blunt objects (as well as some 'poking it with a stick trying to figure out what the heck that gooey, mushy lump of red stuff with bits of soft silky brown baby fur was before it got transmogrified into that gooey pile of mush in such an obviously lingeringly painful clublike manner') all because you werent logged in to WoW to save it!
no Bart, you were posting in your blog instead of saving that poor, 'pure as the driven snow', cuddly baby cowperson and for that you should feel as GUILTY as a big powerful cowperson who wasnt present to save a helpless little baby cowperson from a terrible death because he wasnt online, but was ignoring his responsibilites to protect little cuddly baby cowpeople everywhere and selfishly posting in his blog should feel.